When facing criminal charges, a criminal defense attorney should be the first call a person makes in order to increase their chances of getting the most favorable outcome in their case. A defense attorney’s first call after contracting with a new client should be to a reputable criminal defense investigator. When narrowing your potential options and building a defense strategy that either proves your client’s innocence or creates a case of mitigating factors, private criminal investigators can be an invaluable resource. The prosecuting attorneys will pool every available resource, including the police force, to build a case that suggests your client’s guilt. You can bridge this resource gap by working with a skilled private investigator.
The benefits of using a criminal private investigator are numerous, but only if you select a team with outstanding levels of experience and knowledge. The Amatrix Investigations team has developed both through decades of fieldwork, built on skills acquired during prior careers in law enforcement and in the intelligence industry. If any team in the Riverside area can locate vital evidence for your defense strategy, it is the professionals at Amatrix Investigations.
The skillsets held by accomplished criminal mitigation specialists can help you succeed with your client’s case. Our experience with our resources means we can quickly sort through the vast amounts of information to find what is relevant without wasting time. Additionally, our team can:
The end goal of a criminal defense investigator is to apply our decades of experience and understanding of the criminal justice system to ensure your client’s rights are protected. The information we find can cast doubt on your client’s guilt and ultimately result in a finding of innocence or, at the very least, allow mitigating factors to reduce the charges and penalties faced. The police officers and prosecutors may develop tunnel vision into creating a case against your client, overlooking or ignoring evidence that would send them in a different direction. An adept private investigator will work without that bias to find this evidence to support your case.
It is for those both in and out of the criminal justice system to question the legality of the profession of private investigation. However, licensed private investigators like Amatrix Investigations provide completely legal and essential services. Though it is possible to venture into an illegal territory and break laws while conducting an investigation, a competent private investigator will have full knowledge of the local and state laws that they must work within to avoid breaking any laws.
There are numerous benefits to working with a criminal defense mitigation specialist for a defense attorney. They are all noteworthy, as your client is likely to benefit from the information found by the investigator. When you are able to reduce or even eliminate the charges faced by your client, they are likely to communicate their satisfaction with your services. Your reputation will improve within the Riverside community and boost the number of clients seeking your services. Other benefits include:
Though no investigator can guarantee that any information or evidence found by a private investigator will result in your client being found innocent, your defense strategy will be better developed and have a better chance of resulting in the most favorable outcome.
There is always the possibility that some evidence can make the difference between a minor penalty and years in prison for your client. A defense attorney’s workload is already full with handling court deadlines and procedural requirements, so a full investigation is not something you have time to accomplish.
When you hire Amatrix Investigations, you gain access to a dedicated team of consummate professionals with decades of relevant experience. We can find crucial evidence, interview witnesses, run background checks, and otherwise support your defense while you navigate the court system. Contact Amatrix Investigations today to discuss how our services can help your clients and support your standing as a highly qualified criminal defense attorney.